
Photovoltaic Panels Installation - Two Factors That Determine If PV Panels Are Suitable For Your Home

There are 2 important factors that determine air swimmers whether solar panels are suitable for your location or not. These are climate and sunlight exposure.Climate has a direct impact on how much sunshine your RC Air Swimmers property receives. If your location has a lot of snowfall for most days of the year, it could still be possible to use PV panels provided there is a way to remove snow that accumulates on the panels.Perhaps you are living in a region where there are a lot of clouds that block direct sunshine. The light intensity may be affected. But this does not mean you cannot use PV panels. What this means is light is diffused and is now at a lower intensity. You can still install PV panels if the overall sunlight intensity is sufficient.Some regions struggle with air visibility problems. Particles in the air cause sunlight to be reduced. These may be due to fog, haze or smog. Conditions are rarely bad enough to prohibit you from using PV panels. But if this happens, you can perhaps use some other renewable energy sources like wind turbines, if there is sufficient wind at your area.Temperature is another climatic condition that affects that performance of your photovoltaic panels. When temperature rises, PV panels drop in efficiency. For best performance, solar panels should be installed in a location with low temperature and some breeze. This is because semiconductors perform best when they are cool.Wind also affects your PV panel installation. Strong winds may damage your solar panels. But this can be circumvented Air Swimmers by planting a hedge on the wind-side of your property, or use a wind turbine to diffuse the wind power and generate more electricity at the same time. You must also use stronger mounts to prevent wind from tearing out your PV panels.Precipitation usually affects only the amount of sunlight reaching your solar panels. But if there is hail at your area, you have to use solar panels that are hail resistant. PV panel damages can be very costly. Therefore you want to avoid hail damage as much as possible.Apart from climate, sunlight exposure is affected by factors like the skyline, vegetation, overhanging branches and nearby structures like buildings. You need to plot a sun chart in order to find out how much sunshine your solar panels can receive throughout the day.If there are too many blockages, you can consider mounting your solar panels on a higher place (like your roof) or replace some vegetation with low-lying ones.

