
Is Your Me Too Network Marketing or MLM Website Relevant

Yesterday I received an email from a former colleague in my business-to-business marketing communications company. He just signed up for a network marketing company and wanted me to visit his website. Turns out his website was provided to him - as well as every other representative in his networking business - by the company. It was slick, animated and screamed of being a me too website. (ME TOO meaning that all the representatives in his network had the exact same website with the exception of their name appearing in the corner of the page for personalization.)This is a common practice by practically all home based business or network marketing companies to provide heir members - you - with a website you can refer others to which promotes your business. The problem is they practically all screech: this is ANOTHER business opportunity like the bazillion others on the internet. Guess what? The search engines look at your company replicated website the same way. Just one of a bazillion other business opportunities. And you have no chance, at best of achieving any rankings on their search engine because in their eyes or should I say in their spider's evaluation you lack relevance so it is on to the next website.How can you get the search engine's spider to pay attention to your website? Break away from the replicated website provided to you and go with your own unique website. Now it Android Phones will in no way resemble what your network marketing company has made available to you but that is exactly the point. To a search engine that has sent a spider to crawl your website, it will capture the unique feel of your website - YOU INC. - which is a start to building your relevancy and YOUR brand. With your unique looking website, it is like you are singing a solo with all eyes on you. With a company replicated website, it is more like you are a member of the chorus…one voice singing the same thing and getting lost in the sea of other voices.Tip: Get the search engine's attention right away. Lose your network marketing company's fancy logo in your headline. Instead, use a bold type in the largest headline font available. Why? The spider that is crawling your website will only see the alternative text line of the logo which might read logo.jpg or logo.gif in tiny type. On the other hand, if you use the bold, large typestyle it is essentially telling the search engine's spider to wait a second what I have to say is very important that is why such a huge type style has been used Iphone 4s Dock And Cable plus what I have to say is so relevant that a bold type face has been used.

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